Sage Intacct Advanced Functionality
Sage Intacct Additional modules
With Sage Intacct’s additional modules, you’re always ready for what’s next.

Additional modules for total financial management
Flexible and advanced functionality to automate and streamline key finance and accounting processes.
Financial planning budgeting
Reduce budgeting and forecasting time by 50%, and replace inflexible and unsecure spreadsheets.
Fixed assets
Fixed assets and core accounting create an automated asset management system.
Inventory management
Track, value, and manage stock while maintaining accuracy at every step.
Global capabilities
Streamline global operations with centralised accounting software.
Multi-entity and global consolidations
Simplify complex multi-entity, multi-currency, and multi-level consolidations.
Project accounting
Manage costs and revenue, keep projects on time, and maintain profitability.
Revenue recognition
Account for multiple revenue types – subscriptions, licenses, and services.
Spend management
Govern company purchasing vs. budgets and never exceed spending caps.
Time and expense management
Keep your team focused on client goals, not administrative tasks.
Intelligent time
Reimagine employee time tracking with AI-powered time tracking.
SaaS Intelligence
Distribution Operations for Sage Intacct
Manufacturing Operations for Sage Intacct

Grow and scale with Sage Intacct
Successful businesses create increasing demands on finance and accounting teams. With Sage Intacct, you’re always ready to grow, thanks to advanced functionality that automates and streamlines other key functions of your financial operations, giving your business greater speed, productivity, and insight.
Improve report usability
create visually appealing reports that have a modern look and feel, along with a high degree of flexibility for the report user. Aggregated and summarized information make reports easy to consume. Users can drill, pivot, filter, sort, prompt, and expand reports to answer specific business questions. Add conditional formatting and color to draw attention to important information and trends.

Learn more about Sage Intacct Interactive Custom Report Writer
If you are interested in finding out more about Sage Intacct Interactive Custom Report Writer, click the Contact Us button below and we will be in touch with you.
Kiteview Technologies (Pty) Ltd was founded in May 2010 to provide the Sage Evolution Business Management solution to the SME market. The management team of Kiteview have combined +30 years of experience in the delivery of small to mid-market Financial & Business Management solutions. This experience, combined with a sound project implementation methodology has helped in Kiteview’s growth, becoming a Platinum status partner for SAGE Pastel within just 1 year.
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