Article credit: Sage
Description of the Issue
Users may observe that Evolution needs a considerable amount of time, e.g. several minutes, to complete searching for inventory, customer, supplier or GL account records when making use of the various modules’ Maintenance Grid Search facility.
This long waiting period may be observed when searching for example a specific stock item in a company with around 3000 or more items.
Diagnosing the Issue
The issue has been diagnosed to occur continuously and can be replicated in the following
• occurs on all users/workstations/branches on a company database
• occurs on the same company database in a different environment
Solution / Details
The following steps explain how to resolve the abovementioned query:
1. Close the relevant Evolution company across the entire network.
2. Open MS SQL Management Studio.
3. Right click on the relevant database | Properties.
4. Click on the Options page on the left and notice the current Compatibility Level
on the right. It may be on SQL Server 2014 (120) especially if running on MS SQL
5. If having this Compatibility Level, change this to SQL Server 2012 (110) and click
on the OK button below to save the changes.
This step is required due to certain aspects of the MS SQL 2014 execution plan not
being fully compatible with optimal Evolution performance, but fortunately fixed in
SQL 2016.
Disclaimer: These articles refer to possible solutions and a platform to share information. Each article describes a method that solved a query (knowledge gathered from previous sites) and how Sage Evolution should operate. These articles make reference to a specific Sage Evolution version, however the thought process can be generalised. Please note the information contained in these articles should be treated as guidelines and adapted to accommodate differences in business processes and IT environments. Articles may not be applicable to all environments. If this article did not resolve your query please contact Kiteview Technologies Support Department on: (+27) 010 005 6678.
Kiteview Technologies (Pty) Ltd was founded in May 2010 to provide the Sage Evolution Business Management solution to the SME market. The management team of Kiteview have combined +30 years of experience in the delivery of small to mid-market Financial & Business Management solutions. This experience, combined with a sound project implementation methodology has helped in Kiteview’s growth, becoming a Platinum status partner for SAGE Pastel within just 1 year.
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