Staff performance reviews are critical in most businesses yet unpopular with the majority of managers who would probably admit they find conducting reviews a tedious task. However, with proper planning and the use of payroll and HR software, performance reviews can be a simple, quick, valuable and motivational experience for managers and employees.
The key is to ensure that the performance review process is simple and quick. “Avoid making the review process too complex or it could become both intimidating for employees and tedious from an execution point of view,” says Phil Meyer, technology director at Sage Pastel Payroll & HR.
“The answer is to measure less, more frequently. Keep the process simple and develop a habit of conducting reviews more often as employees generally are more comfortable with this approach.”
If simplified, quick reviews that are regularly conducted enable managers to deliver more value to employees, identifying areas where improvement is necessary and providing the employee with an opportunity to improve in those areas by the next review. A combination of regular short reviews with one in more detail at longer intervals probably offers the greatest value to both employers and employees.
“Despite the fact that performance reviews are not intended to be a tool by which to determine salary increases, they often end up playing that role,” adds Meyer. “The real objective, however, is to regularly identify areas of concern and areas of excellence to the benefit of both employee and employer.”
For employers, Meyer says well-developed personal skills lead to positive performance review outcomes and he points out that where regular reviews are implemented, employees who have received a negative review at least have a chance to turn that into a positive outcome at the next one.
“Human Resources Management (HRM) is a vital component of good business practice but doing it properly and effectively is not always that easy. This is where technology in terms of payroll and HR software solutions can ensure that the correct systems and processes are firmly in place.”
Aligning employees to the company vision, mission and objectives is achieved through measurement and regular reviews. It is important for employees to receive recognition for achievement and to be made aware of under-achievement and what they need to do to rectify it.
Meyer recommends that reviews should take five to 10 minutes. “Regular appraisals and feedback is the way to keep on track. Employees have opportunities to improve and that improvement is easily traceable over shorter periods of time.”
“Automated payroll and HRM software solutions assist managers by offering pre-defined Key Performance Area (KPA) and Key Performance Indicator (KPI) categories and review templates that are automatically kept on record. Management is therefore able to store all review records and accurately monitor staff performance improvements.
“Employees like to receive written feedback from reviews, even if only by email. Such brief reports provide a base for comparison and both parties know where they stand. The next review will enable both parties to identify the levels of improvement and progress achieved,” concludes Meyer.
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